Visual Communication and emoji & Stickers(4)


Negative effects

 (1) Spread the meaning of extreme poverty. 

Although stickers makes the communication between people more and more smooth, it should also be noted that compared with pure text, the information that visual words can convey is often shallow, people excessively pursue the interest of communication, and the deep level of communication and thinking is less and less. According to Roland Bart, visual energy refers to the opposite position and collocation between the reference and the reference, which is accidental and random, which means that the energy of image symbols can be displayed in an ambiguous way: both meaning and form, on the surface to see the fullness is actually empty. When the symbol can be fixed into a pattern, self-extraction, meaning is exhausted, meaning extreme poverty also appeared. Although the stickers is updated quickly and the type is very rich, but the meaning expressed is homogenized seriously, it seems that everyone is using the latest stickers, the message and the once used stickers is not different, and often contact users, each others’ stickers is often the same. In addition, the stickers presents us with fragmented information, because of the limited space, the image and text presented are limited, this fragmented information has created a cognitive illusion for us, we think that the complete information we get, in fact, is only the tip of the iceberg. In a word, the extreme poverty of communication meaning is embodied in the shallow level, one-sidedness and homogeneity of conveying information.

 (2) Deconstruction of publicity and authority. 

The attribute of the visual word "spoof" and "entertainment" leads to the expression package often focusing on interest in the production process, and often does not care about the objectivity and authority of the facts, which leads to the deconstruction of publicity and authority. Habermas believes that the public sphere refers to a field in our social life in which something close to public opinion is formed, and every bourgeois citizen is free to enter this space for dialogue and exchange. But now, many facial stickers are made of stars, hot events, and the public sphere is full of private words and images. In addition, stickers in order to entertain unconsciously exaggerate the facts, mixed feelings, resulting in stickers can only be emotional catharsis, not only for the restoration and solution of the facts have no effect, but may form a public opinion trial, under the carnival of the whole people, authority, public nature of the trace is difficult to find.

