“How Great Companies Think Differently” (3)

Reader Response to [“How Great Companies Think Differently” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter]

3.  Conclusion and Recommendations



3.1 Conclusion


Institution logic which have six different facets really make great companies think differently. Different great companies have different culture and style, however great companies are common in evoking emotions and creativity of employees and increasing employee engagement and innovation successfully.  The reason is that they attach great importance to have belief in the nature of people, and they take care of the development of society.


Actually, institution logic can not be presented in math or the language of economics, but it should not be ignored. It has great power to influence people and society.



3.2 Recommendations


Although the most important goal of companies is to make money, companies should know that the essence of managing companies is managing people. Hence, there is great need that they should take care of emotions of employees and society. To be specific, they need to have a common purpose and a long-term view. Meanwhile, they need show trust to their employees by encourage employee self-organization and learn to win trust of society by partnering with the public actively.


It is significant that a common company needs to  develop institution logic from six facets, if they want to make their companies invert to be great companies.

